Happy Canada Day!!

Happy Canada Day!!

Hello friends: It has been awhile. We’ve been busy creating and have been posting regularly on Facebook but have been away from blogging here for some time. We’re planning to get back to it with more of our work and that of others for inspiration....
New Life – Small Scale

New Life – Small Scale

Our woodworking challenge for November was to work on a small scale.  I decided this would be the perfect time for a refinishing project that I have had on my list. The Original Find This was one of my ‘street finds’ that someone had thrown in the...

Progress Not Perfection

Finished is better than perfect We have had another gap in our blog posting.  That is partly because we have been crazy busy with business and reorganizing our living and work space.  As a result, we have made progress in those areas but  haven’t...
Playing for inspiration

Playing for inspiration

Breaking a Creative Block Last week I was working on a challenge quilt that was giving me trouble because I was way over thinking. I can almost hear some of you saying “Wow, that is not at all like you”. To which I reply, that there is no need for sarcasm.   So back...