OK – so if you are going to be isolated, you might as well be isolated to your workshop. Except, of course – the workshop is not looking for the moment like the kind of shop I want to be isolated in. It’s truly a mess.
So how did I get here you ask? Well, I don’t tend to beat myself up over any situation I get myself into – it’s more of an amusement to ask the question and maybe a chance for a lesson learned – hopefully not one that I will have to learn again if I can figure out how to avoid it in future. The answer to the question this time is a bit complex, but not hard to understand: several commissions landing at the same time as we launch a new line of products (our PlayBall game boards); our coming into a large collection of wood from a long time woodworker who is retiring and (urgently) moving from his home; a chance opportunity to get another large quantity of wood from a local museum (from disassembled weaving looms); and then there’s a little pandemic thrown in for good measure sucking the energy out of me for any normal Spring cleaning. And all of this six months from when we hoped to build our new wood storage/ solar kiln (more to come soon).
So the shop has become a bit of a dumping ground and there are at least six projects underway, several buried under the rubble somewhere. Where to start, where to start? OK, so this is the setup. The next few blogs will chronicle what I hope will be an incredible transition to the workshop of my dreams. Better still, the workshop of YOUR dreams! Feel free to throw in ideas about how to organize this effort. Wish me luck.
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